The lvalue and rvalue in the assignment statement is separated by a colon plus an equal sign(:=). 任务声明中的lvalue与rvalue由一个冒号加等号隔离开来(:=)。
If you choose to pass a variable by reference, prefix it with&, and put it inside the []; for variable passing by value, prefix it with the equal sign (=). 如果选择通过引用传递变量,就在它前面加上&并把它放在[]内;对于通过值传递的变量,在它前面加上等号(=)。
In the first statement, PRIOR is used to the left of the equal sign while in the second statement it is specified on the other side. 在第一个语句中,PRIOR用于等号的左边,而在第二个语句中,它被指定在另一边。
The equal sign (=) joins the two. 等号(=)连接两者。
The equal sign does the same thing as the assignment arrow, but may only be used at the top-level scope, not also in nested expressions. 等号可以完成与赋值箭头(assignmentarrow)相同的功能,但是只能用于最高层次范围,不能用于嵌套的表达式。
So long as you're reserving words, go ahead and reserve the not equal sign(), and, or, the left and right parentheses. 如果您正在保留这些字,请继续进行下去并且保留不等号()和左右括号。
In your language, you will make actor and the equal sign (=) reserved tokens in the language, much as the words if and instanceof are reserved tokens with particular meaning within the Java language. 在您的语言中,您要将actor和等号(=)作为该语言中的保留标记,尽管字if和instanceof在Java语言中都是带有特殊意义的保留标记。
Note the difference between the equal sign (=) and the eq operator. 注意等于号(=)和eq操作符之间的区别。
If we examine each attribute, especially the data portion ( the part to the right of the equal sign), we can determine whether they actually represent data, or metadata 如果我们检查每个属性,特别是数据部分(等号右边的部分),就可以确定它们是否真的表示数据或元数据
Also, the= ( equal) sign is replaced by the-( hyphen) in the original user ID for the same reason. 另外,出于相同的原因,将原始用户ID中的=(等号)符号替换为-(连字符)。
The lvalue and rvalue in the assignment statement is separated by a:= ( colon plus equal sign). 分配声明中的lvalue和rvalue以:=(冒号加等号)被隔开。
And the reason that we now on the second line have the equal sign is because this function GetString has what's called a return value. 我们之所以,在第二行代码GetString前面加上等号,是因为这个函数会带回一个,返回值。
Those who no longer need to import high-end furniture brands in the food queue equal sign, but in self-built store, or settled in the form of stores around the bloom in the capital. 那些进口高端家具品牌不必再在中粮排队等号,而是以自建专卖店或入驻卖场的形式在京城各地开花。
When you set a control source property, the equal sign is required because it indicates an expression, not a field name, to access. 设置“控件来源”属性时,需要使用等号向access表示它是一个表达式,而不是字段名称。
If you forget an equal sign it'll throw a parse error instead of just evaluating true and executing the statement. 如果你忘记了等号,它会出现一个解析错误而不是判断为真或者停止声明。
I will add that you must always read for your rising sign, for the rising sign is equal in importance to the Sun sign. 说明的是,应该去看看你的上升星座&上升星座与太阳星座同等重要。
Which I just did there,-mystring in fact, let me type it in& mystring, with an equal sign, which is saying, assign or bind to that name the value of the following expression. 也就是这里我做的,实际上,让我输入,然后是个蹬好,意思就是说,把这个名字绑定到,后面表达式的值上去。
{ An argument name is missing a value after its equal sign.} {参数名称在等号后无法找到值。}
What does an equal sign do? 一个等号是用来做什么的?
Likewise, a flawless jade or a coarse brick stays silent if not touched, but who can draw an equal sign between what they stand for? 一块莹洁无暇的美玉,和一块粗糙朴实的土砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把它们所代表的内容划一个等号呢?
Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture. 残疾人应享有平等的基础上,与他人一起,得到承认和支持他们的特定的文化和语言特性,包括手语和聋人文化。
Because it's this plus that that's equal to zero, and there's the minus sign that I forgot to write down. 因为这个加上这个等于零,这里我忘写了一个负号。
Why don't I just use an equal sign? 不用一个等号么?
As you read this line, train yourself to think of the equal sign as gets, not equals. 当你读这条线的时候,试着思考等号,这不是平等的。
So this is the equality operator, whereas the single equal sign is the assignment operator. 所以这是相等操作符,然而那个单等号是一个赋值运算符。
The right side of the equal sign is a tempting trap which is prescribed by the merchants. 右边的等号是一个诱人的陷阱这是明的商人。
So, we take our two equilibrium states, and you just put an equal sign between them, and the equal sign means go from one to the other. 我们写出两个平衡态,然后你只需要在它们之间放一个等号,等号表示,从一个过渡到另一个。
In the field list, click direction, click the equal sign, and then click the lookup button. 在“字段”列表中,依次单击“方向”、等号和查找按钮。
Use zoology of community and theory of ecosystem to make up with the limitation of the green design, and use fundamentally ecological theory to guide design, which aims to make replenishment equal to snatch, and make our consumption age from sign consumption to essence consumption. 用生态学中生态系统理论弥补绿色设计的片面性,用生态学的基本原理指导设计以达到对自然初始索取等于最终补给的零污染,使人们的消费时代从符号消费走向本质消费。
In P2P network, peers are equal and can sign in and out dynamically and commute with each other anonymously. 在P2P网络中,节点的地位是平等的,可以动态的加入与退出,以匿名的身份彼此间进行交互。